On 05 March by Goodyear Heights in , , , ,    No comments
While we have been happy that the vast majority of Goodyear Heights residents have responded positively to the effort to have the neighborhood designated as a National Register Historic District, we still come across folks who did not attend one of last year’s series of RIGHT Committee meetings where we explained the project and what it could mean for the neighborhood. For those who missed the meetings, or who do not understand our goals, we would suggest reading this post: “SUPPORT OUR EFFORT” – which provides the basic facts about what designation means—and DOES NOT mean.

We want to clear up any misconceptions that people may have, especially for those who are worried that designation forces you to make improvements to your property. Nothing could be further from the truth; in fact, we chose the approach of National Register designation specifically because it would not add any extra financial burden on homeowners.

That said, we will be providing a wide range of education and informational resources to residents who do want to preserve and restore the historic character of their home and that of the neighborhood. We’ll be offering workshops, booklets, advice and many other resources to encourage our residents to preserve and enhance their home’s value. At some point in the future, we’d also like to work with public and non-profit foundations to offer some additional assistance—like grants and loans for repair and restoration. For additional facts about our effort, you can download a Q&A HERE.


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