On 17 July by Goodyear Heights in , , , ,    No comments
Join the fun on Tuesday August 1st as the Goodyear Heights Community comes together for the 2017 Night Out Against Crime. This city-wide event, which takes place at 15 locations across Akron, aims to make neighborhoods safer through community building and education.

Over the past few years, Goodyear Heights has had one of the best turnouts in the city, with hundreds of neighbors coming together to celebrate in a big street party on Goodyear Boulevard, in front of the Linda Theater. Residents are encouraged to come by for games, music, refreshments, community information and a number of other activities designed for all ages.

"This event is a welcome opportunity for our law enforcement officers to interact with neighbors under positive circumstances," Akron Mayor Dan Horrigan said in a news release. The campaign includes citizens, law enforcement agencies, civic/religious groups, businesses, neighborhood organizations and local officials. Nationwide, more than 38 million people from 16,000 communities are expected to participate in the campaign, which is in its 34th year.

On 13 July by Goodyear Heights in , , , , ,    No comments
By 1916, the first phase of Goodyear Heights--the area west of Brittain Road, was generally complete. Streets and sidewalks were complete, the majority of the houses had been built, and just a handful of lots remained to be sold. The response to the concept of high-quality, affordable housing for Goodyear workers  had been overwhelming, and as a result, the company decided not just to "double-down" on the idea, but to "quadruple-down" on it--expanding with a second phase that would be four times the size of the original.

The following article is from a 1916 Edition of the company newspaper, The Wingfoot Clan. It provides a lot of interesting details on the progress, and news of a naming contest:

“Sixteen streets of the new allotment, Goodyear Heights No. 2, are as yet un-named. A part of them are continuations of streets and roads already existing and a few have been christened with appropriate names, but sixteen remain to be named.  This must be done at once so they can be recorded, and to do this the Goodyear Heights Realty Company is offering a prize of $5.00 in cash to the Goodyearite or member of a Goodyear family who submits the best list of sixteen names before Saturday noon, July 22nd. A blank appears at the bottom of this page which should be filled out and sent in to Mr. Apel. A map of the new sub-division appears on the insert to give you an idea of the lay of the land.

The work on this allotment has progressed more rapidly than the  average man appreciates, and is being pushed faster because Goodyear Heights is practically sold out, but a few lots are left. Though it is yet virgin farm land, it has been carefully surveyed and plotted, and the contracts for all grading have been let. The plans for the sewer and water systems are now being made and the contracts call for the completion of all this work by January 1st, 1917. Paving of the streets will then be started early next spring.

The scale of the work on Goodyear Heights No. 2 is of a magnitude never before attempted around Akron. It is an immense tract of land which will contain large home lots to a number four times as great as the present Heights. The land is high and dry, for the greater part comparatively level, but with a few rises and hills to lend some diversity to the landscape. From some of these hills views extending for miles across the city and open country lay before the eye.

The work of designing the sub-division is being done by the same artists who designed Goodyear Heights, and the layout preserves all the natural beauties, the woods, hills and orchards and the little creek valley, converting some of them into parks, others into beautiful residence sections. Prizes will be offered later on for the naming of these places. Goodyear Heights No. 2 is destined to become in a few years one of Akron’s show spots, a residence section ideal for the working man of moderate income.”