On 25 January by MS in ,    No comments

Vaniman Street, looking north - about 1915-16. One of the first streets completed in Goodyear Heights.

We created this website for the residents and friends of Goodyear Heights, one of Akron's most historic neighborhoods and one we are determined to preserve for future generations.

This website grew out of the effort to research and recognize the historical importance of Goodyear Heights--not only on a local level, but on a national level--as a prime example of garden city/worker housing from the early 20th century. This significance has been well documented in books and periodicals over the years, but has largely been ignored or forgotten on the local level. Our goal is to remedy this by having the original boundaries of the Goodyear Heights allotment marked and identified and have this historic district recognized on a local and national level. Long term, it would be our goal to have it listed on the National Register of Historic Places, as it has been deemed eligible for such a listing by the State of Ohio.

That said, we also recognize the need to preserve and protect the wider areas of Goodyear Heights, which has a distinct character of its own, and which also can benefit greatly from having a historic district located within its boundaries. The streets surrounding the historic district have their own story to tell about Akron's other periods of growth, whether that was during the 1920's or after World War II, when The Heights saw another building boom.

We are happy to acknowledge the assistance of the R.I.G.H.T. Committee and its members in assisting with these efforts and providing support. Together, it is our goal to work with residents to create a positive future for one of Akron's most historic, stable and unique neighborhoods.


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